Rabbit diseases and their treatment – ear scabies, tizer’s disease and heat stress

In this article we will discuss several rabbit diseases – ear scab, tyzzer’s disease and heat stress.

Ear scabies in breeding rabbits

This disease is caused by a skin parasite that lays eggs for the development of the next generation in the subcutaneous tissue inside the ear. Inside the ear, a light brown crust forms on the skin. This disease is often seen if the breeder does not pay enough attention to the rabbits. Rabbits become restless, and even milder infections result in greatly reduced pregnancy rates. Other bacteria can enter the body through skin lesions and cause further problems.

Scabies can be easily prevented and treated with Ivomec 0.3 ml, injected 3 to 4 times a day after parturition. Of course, other medicines are also available. For all information, please contact your veterinarian.

Tyzzer disease (bacillus piliformis)

This disease is caused by a sporulating bacterium called bacillus piliformis (clostridium piliforme). The spores spread on the farm and many rabbits are infected without immediately showing clinical signs. Often the disease is first noticed in breeding females. Several thin females with sticky droppings appear and often abort the embryos.

Later, diarrhoea also appears in fattening rabbits. In dead animals, small necrotic spots the size of a needle can be observed on the liver. In females, the wall of the appendix is thickened, has a glassy appearance and feels like rubber. The spores are very resistant (they provide protection for the bacterium from environmental influences) and once the infection enters the breeding stock, it is virtually impossible to get rid of. The disease is spread by infected rodents.


Heat stress

Although it is not a disease, it is extremely important to avoid heat stress and keep it to a minimum for good health. Rabbits can only dissipate heat through their ears and breathing, not sweating.

Although the maximum should be done by maintaining a cool climate and cold drinking water, another option to limit the impact of heat stress is to administer vitamin c (5 g per 10 litres) in water. Vitamin c stimulates hemoglobin production, the immune system and stimulates respiration. All this helps to manage heat stress, but as mentioned above, maximum attention must be paid to prevention through microclimate management. However, do not expect that treatment alone can replace an optimal microclimate.

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