How to choose poultry feed

When selecting feed (not only) for poultry, it is essential to base it on the purpose of the breeding or fattening phase. Energys hobby feeds accentuate these needs, so you are sure to choose whatever stage of development your poultry is in. But how do you choose the right feed and which is the most suitable for your poultry?

n this article we will focus on the range of feed for broilersturkeys and waterfowl. Here you will find poultry feed mixtures in a varied and continuous range of products. They cover several weeks of rearing and are the basis for rapid growth, high conformation and delicate meat flavour.

Feed for broilers

Broiler Mini Forte

Brojler Mini Forte is a crushed feed with a coccidiostat. This feed is intended for intensive fattening of broiler chickens up to 14 days of age. It promotes excellent health and rapid growth of your broilers.

  • With coccidiostat
  • For broiler chickens up to 14 days of age

Broiler Midi Forte 

It is a granulated feed mixture for intensive fattening of broilers. Mortality during fattening is reduced by the contained coccidiostats. This feed is suitable from day 15 of age until at least 5 days before the end of fattening.

  • Contains a coccidiostat
  • Suitable from day 15 to at least 5 days before the end of fattening

Broiler Maxi

Broiler Maxi is a feed for the final stage of broiler fattening. It does not contain coccidiostats and should be used 5 or more days before slaughter.

  • Without coccidiostats
  • 5 days or more before slaughter
  • promotes conformation and delicate flavour of meat

Poultry Uni 30

Poultry Uni is a universal concentrate that is used for fattening all categories of poultry. It contains soya of the highest quality. It contributes to rapid growth and high conformation. It can also be used as feed for hens.

  • Does not contain a coccidiostat
  • Mixes with cereals in a ratio of 20-40 %

Feed for turkeys

Turkey Mini Forte

This type of feeding is the basis for high carcass yield. It is a crushed mixture with coccidiostats for fattening up to 4 weeks of age.

  • Contains coccidiostats
  • fattening up to 4 weeks of age

Turkey Midi Forte

It is a high quality granulated feed with coccidiostats for fattening turkeys from 5 to 12 weeks of age. The live weight at the end of this period should be about 5,9 kg for turkeys and 8,9 kg for turkeys. It is the basis for rapid growth, high fattening and excellent health.

  • Contains coccidiostats – reduce mortality during fattening
  • For fattening from 5 to 12 weeks of age

Turkey Maxi

Turkey Maxi is intended for the final stage of turkey fattening. It is used from the 13th week of age.

  • Does not contain a coccidiostat
  • suitable from 13 weeks of age

Feed for aquatic poultry

Duck Mini

Feed Duck Mini is a high quality crushed mix for fattening ducks and geese up to 2 weeks of age. It promotes rapid growth and high carcass yield.

  • Up to 2 weeks of age

Duck Maxi

It is a granulated mixture for fattening ducks and geese from 3 weeks of age until slaughter. It contains nutrients that promote rapid growth, high conformation and delicate meat flavour.

  • from 3 weeks of age until slaughter


Dosage of compound feed

The recommended daily consumption is always indicative only. It depends on the breed, condition or growth stage. In the given doses, supplementary feeding is included.

Do not combine feeds containing coccidiostat with other coccidiostats! Observe the length of the withdrawal period and feed the mixture up to a maximum of 5 days before slaughter.

Feed mixtures for broilers

Recommended daily consumption in g per 1 piece per day

The mixture contains a coccidiostat, so do not combine with other coccidiostats! Observe the length of the withdrawal period and feed the mixture up to a maximum of 5 days before slaughter.

Feed mixtures for turkeys

Recommended daily consumption in g per 1 piece per day

Feed mixtures for ducks

Recommended daily consumption in g per 1 piece per day

Where can you buy poultry feed?

You can buy feed from a number of distributors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who will help you with the selection.

Related products

Poultry Uni 30

A mashed concentrate for fattening of all categories of poultry, which includes the highest quality soja. It is mixed with cereals in a ratio of 20-40% (by type or phase of fattening). It contributes to fast growth and a high meat content. It does not contain coccidiostats.

Broiler Maxi

Feed for the final phase of fattening broilers. Supports a high meat content and a delicate meat taste. Start using it 5 or more days before slaughter. Does not contain coccidiostatics.

Broiler Midi Forte

A granulated feed mix for the intensive fattening of broilers from 15 days of age to a minimum of 5 days before ending feeding up. The Coccidiostat included lowers mortality during fattening. For the next phase of fattening Broiler MAXI is a suitable mix.

Broiler Mini Forte

A ground feed mix with Coccidosistats, for the intensive feeding of broiler chickens up to 14 days of age and a support to fast growth a an excellent state of health in your broliers-

Duck Mini

A high quality ground mix for fattening ducks and geese up to their 2nd week. It is suitable for fast growth and high meat content.

Turkey Maxi

Feed for the final stage of turkey fattening. Use from the 13th week of age. It does not contain a coccidiostat.

Turkey Midi Forte

A high quality granulated feed with coccidiostats for feeding turkeys from 5 to 12 weeks of age. It is the basis for fast growth, high meat content and an excellent state of health of your turkeys. The coccidiostat content lowers mortality during feeding. It continues on from feeding with Turkey Mini Forte. The live weight for turkeys at the end of this period should be around 5.9 kg for hen turkeys and 8.9 kg for cocks.

Turkey Mini Forte

A ground mix with Coccidiostats for fattening turkeys up to an age of 4 weeks. It is the basis for high meat content. Afterwards use the Turkey Midi Forte mix.

Duck Maxi

A granulated mix for feeding ducks and geese from 3 weeks of age up to slaughter. The nutrients it contains support fast growth , a high meat content and a delicate meat taste.