
Feed for rabbits

This range includes granules for weaning and fattening rabbits with or without a coccidiostat content

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Feed for laying hens

In the range for laying hens you will find feed for weaning chickens. In the laying period and for carrier breeds

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Feed for poultry

In this range you will find feed for the weaning and fattening of broilers, water poultry and turkeys. Some products contain coccidiostats.

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Feed for pheasants and quail

Ground or granulated feed mixes for the weaning and feeding of pheasants, quail and for pheasant breeds and partridges

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Feed for ostriches and pigeons

This range includes supplements or complete feeds for weaning and fattening ostriches, pidgeons in hobby breeding, or with a need to receive greater energy.

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Feed for pigs

The range for pigs includes a pre-starter for piglets and a granulated mix for all phases of fattening pigs.

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Feed for ruminants

This group of feeds includes feed for piglets, cattle, forest animals, sheep and goats

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Feed for rodents

The range for rodents includes a granulated mix for guinea pigs with an added amount of vitamin C.

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