
Births and rearing rabbits, suitable form of feed for laying hens; these are topics of interest to you. Whether you breed animals for pleasure or economic benefit, we always offer useful and practical information. We carefully select the topics related to proper husbandry and care. We will be happy to share with you new insights, interesting cases and professional recommendations. You can filter posts by category.

How Do I Know That a Rabbit is Sick?

28. January 2021

Health status is a fundamental indicator that primarily affects other (reproductive, production, exhibition, sports) indicators in rabbits. The primary endeavor of each breeder should always be to maintain good health, be it breeding for meat production or just breeding – for exhibition and competition purposes. All rabbit care in the short and long term should…

The Most Common Diseases of Rabbits and Their Prevention

11. January 2021

Although there may be only a few diseases affecting rabbits (compared to dogs and cats), it goes without saying that the aim is to maintain good health. Infectious diseases are those caused by germs (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) and spread among animals.

Problems with fertilization, breeding and conception of rabbits

20. November 2020

One of the most common problems in raising rabbits is the breeding and conception of rabbits. If you do not want to have problems with infertility, breeding or conception, it is good to check and possibly adjust the amount of feed and the environment in which the females live.

Preparation of rabbits for the exhibition season

10. July 2020

If you want your rabbit to perform its best at an exhibition, it must have an optimal condition, weight and perfect supple and shiny fur. Only then the animal can show its beauty conditioned by the genetic makeup in a range of external signs including color and texture. “Perfect” nutrition is one of the core…

Summer and rabbits – how to eliminate heat stress?

16. June 2020

This year, we are experiencing several very hot days. High temperatures have a negative effect on our rabbits, as they suffer thermal stress. There are several recommendations for eliminating this adverse effect and keeping animals in a good state of health.

How to Domesticate a Rabbit

31. January 2020

A frequent topic, and indeed a standard requirement of budding pet rabbit breeders, is the suitability and ability of domesticating a new rabbit companion. Faculties for “friendliness” are partly innate and partly influenced by the external environment. When domesticating a rabbit, it is necessary to follow the recommended guidelines, as the stage of socialization at…

How to take care of a rabbit

10. January 2020

Each pet requires care that meets their demands. This involves a complex of regularly recurring practices and breeding care. Proper care in housing, feeding and providing water and handling can prevent a significant proportion of illnesses, as the good health of the rabbit is ensured. The following are the most important techniques in rabbit breeding.

How to Choose Rabbit Feed

30. October 2019

The Energys hobby range of feed for rabbits meets the needs of breeders and the animals themselves. Their composition accentuates the fattening phase or breeding purpose. The product range also includes granules with a coccidiostat. What feed to choose?

How Long Does a Rabbit Live?

The rabbit belongs to social animals with a medium-term lifespan. This aspect should be taken into account when purchasing the rabbit as a pet animal.

Breeding of Rabbits – Breeds and Their Expansion in the Czech Republic

The breed gene pool of domestic rabbits in the Czech Republic is represented by purebred breeds of rabbits and their hybrids. Their expansion is dependent on the breeding direction. At present, the domestic breeding of rabbits is divided into 5 basic directions – traditional (unorganized) small stud, organized small stud, farm breeding, laboratory breeding and…